This initial showcase of the UK’s Special Interest Group for Flexible and Conformable Metasurfaces focusses on examples of ongoing work in areas such as photonics/manufacturing, antennas, and active/origami metamaterials.
These examples are presented in clusters of 3x 5 minutes lightning talks to kick off the group discussion (20 minutes) during which attendees can share their own expertise.
The event will start at 14:00 with an introduction by the Special Interest Group leaders (Andrea di Falco, Sebastian Schulz; University of St Andrews) and a 5-minutes overview on “Building the UK Metamaterials Value Chain” (Steve Morris, KTN).
Showcase speakers:
14:15 – 14:50 Photonics/Manufacturing
14:50 – 15:25 Antennas
15:25 – 16:00 Active and Origami
The event is hosted by the UK Metamaterials Network.
The target audience are scientists in academia and industry at all career stages.
Register for free by Wednesday 13 May 2021.